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Commission`s Opinion – EU acquis Chapter 25

Moderately prepared (3) Ukraine is moderately prepared in the area of science and research. The country participates in the EU R&I programmes and seeks greater integration into the European Research Area, but its national R&I activities and technological absorption capacity remain limited due to insufficient funding, ineffective disbursement mechanisms (for example lack of competitive calls)…

Commission`s Opinion – EU acquis Chapter 20

Some level of preparation (2) Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of enterprise and industrial policy. Further legislation to integrate the EU enterprise and industrial acquis is required, in particular for the Late Payment Directive. The administrative capacities of the institutions involved need to be strengthened and coordination among these institutions improved.

Commission`s Opinion – EU acquis Chapter 2

Early stage of preparation (1) Ukraine is at an early stage of preparation in the free movement of workers. It will need to align its legislation in a comprehensive way with the relevant EU acquis and EU case law. It will also need to strengthen its administrative capacity, inter-institutional cooperation and ability to coordinate internationally.…