Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in this area. The treatment of foreign service providers regarding the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services is broadly consistent with general principles of EU legislation. Ukraine does not differentiate clearly between requirements that apply to operators providing services from an establishment…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of transport policy. The country needs to further align and effectively implement the acquis in all areas of transport and in particular in the railway sector, where appropriate administrative structures need to be set up. However, these reforms need to consider…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in financial services. Overall, it has approximated part of its legislation to the EU acquis, based on the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA. The NBU follows the recommendations of the Basel Committee on banking supervision and the EU’s regulatory and supervisory framework. Thanks to reform efforts since…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of competition policy. It should continue to align its legislative framework on competition and State aid with the relevant parts of the EU acquis. The adoption of the amended draft laws on the protection of competition and State aid would significantly…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of company law. While the AA framework – and DCFTA – has supported initial steps for Ukraine’s progressive alignment with the EU acquis in many areas, much remains to be done, in particular where more recent EU acquis is concerned. Challenges…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in terms of alignment with the EU requirements in the area of the free movement of capital, with major laws being adopted but not yet fully implemented or in force. It is focusing for the moment on currency regulation and supervision and foreign exchange…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of taxation. The country has a good progress in aligning its VAT legislation with the EU acquis. There are some legislative gaps related to the place of supply of goods and services and the absence of a VAT refund scheme for…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of statistics. It has taken initial steps to align itself with some of the EU acquis, including the adoption of legislation integrating the European Statistics Code of Practice, to harmonise the national statistical system with European norms and standards. The administrative…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation with regard to the EU objectives. The education system is broadly aligned with the EU objectives. Ukraine is also broadly aligned with the EU objectives on youth policy. Ukraine’s cultural policy broadly reflects the general priorities of the New European Agenda for Culture. Ukraine…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation to implement the EU acquis in the area of justice, freedom and security. Several strategies are in place, notably migration policy and IBM strategies. Legislation on visa policy and asylum is broadly aligned with the EU acquis. Institutional cooperation and coordination are weak, in…