While February was abundant with the events related to Ukraine`s EU accession, March turned out to be rather lacking media attention to the topic of Ukraine's advancement on the way to the EU membership. For instance, the popularity rating of the accession of Ukraine to the European Union both in the media and in social…
Translation of the original article coming soon.
Ukraine moves towards the EU and shows remarkable resilience against a terrorist country in fighting for European values and preserving a system of international security. The European Union, in return, recognizes Ukraine's achievements and supports it in the fight against the aggressor. At the same time, the EU requires Ukraine to implement each of its…
The European Union should consolidate its political will, and at the same time, Ukraine should implement all the recommendations of the European Commission. What solutions do experts offer regarding Ukraine's movement toward EU membership?
The 24th EU-Ukraine summit will occur tomorrow, February 3, 2023. Ukraine will participate as a candidate country for membership in the…
Good level of preparation (4)
Ukraine has a good level of preparation in the area of the customs union. Ukraine is connected to the general EU Customs Information System (Common Communication Network) and is using New Computerised Transit System (NCTS). Ukraine is part of the Common Transit Convention which is 100% based on the Union…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in this area. The treatment of foreign service providers regarding the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services is broadly consistent with general principles of EU legislation. Ukraine does not differentiate clearly between requirements that apply to operators providing services from an establishment…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in the area of transport policy. The country needs to further align and effectively implement the acquis in all areas of transport and in particular in the railway sector, where appropriate administrative structures need to be set up. However, these reforms need to consider…
Moderately prepared (3)
Ukraine is moderately prepared in the area of the free movement of goods. It has taken initial steps to align itself with some of the EU acquis in the area of the ‘New and global approach to product legislation’, although these steps are yet to be completed. It should, in particular, complete…
Moderately prepared (3)
Ukraine is moderately prepared in the domain of digital transformation and media. Ukraine is well advanced in providing digital services to its people and businesses and using information society tools to make public administration more transparent and efficient. The legislative framework is broadly in line with the EU acquis, in particular with…
Some level of preparation (2)
Ukraine has some level of preparation in financial services. Overall, it has approximated part of its legislation to the EU acquis, based on the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA. The NBU follows the recommendations of the Basel Committee on banking supervision and the EU’s regulatory and supervisory framework. Thanks to reform efforts since…